Kathmandu Tergar Community

Rinpoche’s original homeland, Nepal, offers a unique and rich cultural backdrop to meditation practice. Surrounded by the stunning Himalayan mountain range and foothills, it is easy to understand why meditation practitioners have been drawn to practice here over thousands of years. Mingyur Rinpoche offers teachings in Nepal at least once a year from his beautiful monastery, Tergar Osel Ling, which overlooks the capital city, UNESCO World Heritage location, Kathmandu.

Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, the Kathmandu Tergar Community encompasses several practice groups and holds workshops and classes on meditation and Tibetan Buddhism, and more. If you are new to meditation and would like to learn more, or if you are a seasoned practitioner and would like to deepen your practice, please join us as we explore the transformative practices of this ancient wisdom tradition.

Join our mailing list

Joy of Living Weekly Meditation Groups

The Joy of Living is open to people of all religious and cultural backgrounds. Learn more about the Joy of Living Program. Our regular meditation groups explore meditation techniques designed to calm the mind, open the heart, and awaken wisdom. Each session includes guided meditations and group discussion. Please join us as we learn how to transform the challenges of day-to-day life into sources of joy and inner peace. Our drop-in meetings are free and open to all. All timings are given in Nepal time.

Anamnagar, Kathmandu


Every Monday, 7.00 am – 8.30 am

Every Thursday, 7:15pm – 8:15pm (Nepal and India group)

Patan, Kathmandu


Every Monday, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Every Thursday, 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm

Joy of Living Workshops

Tergar Kathmandu Meditation Community regularly offers Joy of Living workshops. For news of our upcoming events join our mailing list or write to [email protected].

Nectar of the Path Practice Group

This practice, written by Mingyur Rinpoche in 2010, covers many of the core elements of Buddhist teachings, with chants, aspirations, and meditation practice. This is open to everyone. At the same time, please note that this is a “Buddhist” practice: it is based on the fundamental Buddhist concepts of refuge, bodhichitta, and relationship to the teacher. More information on the practice can be found here: learning.tergar.org/2016/04/23/nectar-of-the-path/.

When: Every Sunday from 9 am to 10 am Nepali time
Contact[email protected] for the Zoom link

For general inquiries[email protected]
Connect with Tergar Kathmandu on Facebookwww.facebook.com/TergarKathmandu

All activities of Tergar Kathmandu Meditation Community are offered on a donation basis. To make a voluntary donation in Nepali rupees please use the bank details below.
Account name, Tergar Charity Nepal
Kumari Bank Limited, Kirtipur Branch
Account Number: 1080120443900001
Swift code: KMBLNPKA