What is the Tergar Path?

Tergar is a community of meditators that explore the qualities of awareness, compassion, and wisdom and how to apply the practice of meditation in everyday life. The Tergar path is designed to uncover these innate qualities through a step-by-step process of inner exploration and self-discovery.

Through learning and practice, we begin to recognize these qualities within ourselves, becoming more joyful and better equipped to help others. As we deepen the connection to our true nature, compassion naturally extends to all beings, helping create a kinder, more interconnected world where all beings can flourish.

Tergar’s unique approach is based on:

  • The living wisdom tradition of the Tergar lineage.

  • An experiential style of learning and practice.

  • A step-by-step approach that emphasizes applying meditation in daily life.

Our community offers two main programs: the essential meditation practices of the Joy of Living and the step-by-step Buddhist training of the Path of Liberation. Altogether, these programs form a comprehensive path with eight levels of study and practice: three levels of the Joy of Living and five levels of the Path of Liberation.

Joy of Living

The Tergar journey begins with the Joy of Living, a path of meditation that anyone can follow, regardless of religious or cultural orientation. The Joy of Living is a step-by-step training in meditation that helps us to calm the mind, open the heart, and develop wisdom.

If you are new to meditation, we recommend starting with our Anytime Anywhere Meditation training, which offers the essence of the Joy of Living in a condensed and approachable way that can easily fit a busy schedule.

Path of Liberation

The Path of Liberation offers an experiential path of meditation for those inspired to follow the Buddhist teachings of Mahamudra as their spiritual path. It consists of five levels that help us explore and realize the nature of mind. This realization leads to a profound shift in consciousness. We no longer view ourselves through the distorting lens of our thoughts and beliefs. Instead, we learn to access the pure awareness that underlies all experience.

To support Joy of Living and the Path of Liberation students, we provide a wealth of opportunities to learn and practice meditation, including online and in-person teachings by Mingyur Rinpoche, self-paced online courses, community-led workshops, guidance from Tergar instructors and facilitators, as well as community support. 

Tergar Path Learning Map

If you are new to meditation, click here.

If you want to explore the Joy of Living meditation program, click here.

If you want to know more about Buddhist practices and study, click here.