Kendal Practice Group

When and Where:
We meet fortnightly on Thursdays, from 6:00 p.m.

For more information please contact:
Laura Sowerby
[email protected]

Who are we ?
We are a small group of usually fewer than 10 people. We meet on Zoom. We are based in the rural area of Cumbria, which is sparsely populated, but we welcome participants from anywhere in the world.

What do we do ?
We have been meeting fortnightly for the past five years. In that time we have followed various courses of practice and study offered for groups by Tergar – including Mingyur Rinpoche’s Joy of Living group curriculum, Tergar’s Six Paramitas group programme, and most recently a course structure for groups based on the monthly teachings of Mingyur Rinpoche.

Will it suit me ?
We aim to be one size fits all.

Whichever course we are following, we always begin and end with guided meditation and have a middle section, which looks at the teaching provided – usually a video from Mingyur Rinpoche. Essential to our ongoing friendships and mutual learning is our discussion time – a place for sharing from our experience how the teachings are landing with us. This format is perfect for all comers, whether you are brand-new to meditation or very familiar. We are a band of equals so you can choose to participate by simply turning up or, if you are keen to, you can offer to guide meditation or pitch in with the group activity in some other way. Whatever suits you best – ‘how wonderful’ – as Mingyur Rinpoche would say!