Texas Practice Group

Ongoing Meditation Group

Texas Weekly Drop-in Practice Sessions (online via Zoom)
Open to all
Cost: Freely offered to the community. Your generous support is appreciated.
When: Every Sunday at 9:00 AM Central Time.
Where: Online via Zoom
Group Contacts: Phil Castillo
Email: [email protected]

Whether you are a beginning meditator who would like to learn more or a seasoned practitioner seeking to deepen your practice, please join us as we learn how to transform the challenges of day- to-day life into sources of joy and inner peace.

Join the group anytime. There are no prerequisites.

Each session includes a video teaching from Mingyur Rinpoche, guided meditation, and discussion. Practice topics will be rotated between different meditation approaches designed to calm the mind, open the heart, and awaken wisdom.

Upcoming Events in the Region

Please join our Facebook Pageemail list, or WhatsApp group for all the latest.

When possible, we host in-person practice retreat days in Texas (location TBD). If you want to know when these practice days are happening, subscribe to our mailing list and check our local Event Calendar.